- Register to teach-
- head to Powderpigs.com/teach and sign up to teach! Keep an eye on your email as we will be sending out updates starting in the fall.
- Log Into the Brain-
- You will get an email with information on how to access the "Brain". The Brain is our digital class management system, this is where you see your classes, submit evals and get paid!
- Once you get logged into the brain, sign up for your on-snow clinic dates! Please pick 4x sessions!
- Log Into the E-learning Platform-
- You will get an email once we have set you up in our system. This is where you complete your fall "Dry Land" self guided online trainings.
- In years past we have used Ed-App. We might switch to a new system this year.
- Log Into Gusto-
- New for 2025: We are moving to a direct deposit based system, and doing all employment forms online! You will get an email to start filling out paperwork via Gusto
- We will ask you to sign a preliminary offer letter to get you started before clinics!
- Attend 4x on-snow Clinics-
- Clinics are held on weekends in December. See the schedule here
- Purchase your seasons pass before clinics begin (instructions will be given at later date)
- Bring your I-9 Verification paperwork to a clinic.
- Confirm your teaching days via the Brain
- Review Assigned Classes-
- Sign your Offer Letter- This will indicate what position you are being offered (see available positions)
- Once class assignments are complete, it is your responsibility to review your classes!
You will also want to make sure you have all of the
necessary gear to get the most out of your instructor experience!
This is a infographic showing the Powderpigs Hiring Process!