Lunch time and Where to Eat?
Lunch Times:
Our Friday PM program does not have lunch. Our Saturday and Sunday Classes have lunch on your own from 12-1. Please pick up your student at their sign at 12 and return at 1 for the afternoon.

We do not watch your students during lunch! Parents/guardians MUST pickup students for lunch!
Where should I eat?
Powderpigs Lodge is closed to the public except for bathroom access. Only vaccinated instructors are permitted. The kitchen is also closed except for staff.
We do have quite the crew that sets up in the area between the Condo and the Pig chair. We affectionately refer to this as our “Tent City” where families set up some simple and some elaborate campsites to hang out and eat at. See the below image for the rough location of tent city
Many families use their cars as a home base. This is always a great option!
Silver Fir Lodge is the closest place to purchase lunch. Intermediate and Advanced students shouldbe able to ski from Silver Fir to the Pigpen. The lines at lunch can be quite long. We recommend having someone get in line well before lunch in order to make sure your student eats on time.
Bringing a sack lunch (that does not need to be heated) is the easiest and most effective way to ensure that your student gets time to eat and rest during the hour lunch break.

Keep in mind that we do not have trash service at the building. If you are planning on eating by the building or in "tent city" practice "pack in/pack out" principals!

We do provide a water station with cups outside of the pigpen.

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