How to Contact Powderpigs?

How to Contact Powderpigs?


Email is the best way to reach us.  We do not have a regularly staffed office or phone line.  We have a shared email account that all of management has access to and is connected to our ticket management software so that we can track responses.  This will help keep our internal team in the loop and allow for faster response times.  That email is

We will send weekly updates via email, as well as last minute announcements.  Please be sure to read all emails.  

General information and last minute updates are posted to our website, and social media pages as long as we have power and internet. Sometimes with widespread outages we can only push out notifications easily via our social media pages. 

We are working on getting text message updates running for the 2024 season. Keep an eye out for those!

Social Media

Facebook and Instagram are where most of our last minute announcements get posted, as well as photos, videos and useful tips. Make sure to follow us at @powderpigsski on both platforms!

Be sure to tag us on social media in your ski adventures using #PowderpigsSki and #PowderpigAdventures

Follow us on social media @powderpigsski for the latest updates!

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